December 2020 – “A Different Kind of Christmas” party

Join ACFW DFW on ZOOM, Saturday, Dec. 12th from 10:30am to noon (CST), for our annual Christmas party, “A Different Kind of Christmas This Year.” Use this link to register:…/

Wear your ugly Christmas sweater, have a festive background with your holiday decorations around the house, or use a Christmas virtual background. Bring a cup of hot chocolate to toast the new year. There will be games, crafts, and music, maybe some film clips, and ‘Room’ prizes ( we don’t have any doors). We’ll have a great time of holiday cheer to set our hearts for the coming year!

Please register for the meeting on Ticketleap at the above link. This party is geared for our members, but guests are welcome. Note: We are not able to send the Zoom link and PW invites to anyone not registered through TicketLeap. Answer several questions that appear (only an admin can see the answers). Questions? email A board member will contact you by Friday prior to the event with instructions for Saturday, December 12.

Please be aware, the invitation and link are for our members and friends of our group. We request that you not share the link with others.

Guests may attend for free for the first two visits. After that, per ACFW national guidelines, guests must become national and local members for continued participation.

Contact for further info. (An affiliate membership of $5 per year is available to members of other ACFW groups). Meeting fee: $3 for ACFW DFW or affiliate members, paid to (Click on “more/monthly meeting”).

To keep up with monthly events and find out more about ACFW DFW, follow us at: Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram