Using the Enneagram to Develop Compelling Characters with Ashley Rescot

Join ACFW DFW online on Saturday, February 12,  from 10:30 am-noon for our monthly meeting as Ashley Rescot presents, “Using the Enneagram to Develop Compelling Characters.” We begin our meeting with thirty minutes of business discussions, prayers, and praises, followed by our speaker’s presentation. 

Ashley Rescot discusses the Enneagram, a personality typing system used by counselors, companies, and churches. It is also a powerful tool in the hands of a writer. With its in-depth analysis of each personality’s strengths and weakness, authors can develop well-rounded, relatable characters. Like their real-life counterparts, these fictional characters must confront their basic fears and overcome “fatal flaws” in order to grow and become the best versions of themselves. Authors can also use the Enneagram to advertise their characters to potential readers via sketches, video clips, and even merchandise to help their audience better connect with these fictional friends.

Registration is required for this event through TicketLeap: Register HERE

Rescot’s background could rival that of any character build. At the tender age of two, she began violin under her mother’s tutelage. Family performances with her mom, four sisters, aunts, cousins, and grandmother comprise her fondest childhood memories.

In her senior year in high school, Rescot served as concertmaster of her youth symphony in Kansas and won the youth talent concerto competition to solo with the orchestra. Afterward, she moved to Texas for college where she received a Bachelor of Music in Violin Performance and minors in French and English.

In addition to violin, Rescot developed a passion for French, especially French music. She spent a year abroad in Paris, France as a Fulbright scholar where she taught English and collaborated with local musicians. The experience opened her eyes to another culture which influenced her perspective as a creative artist and educator.

She returned to the Midwest to teach collegiate French language courses and earn a Master of Arts in French literature. After graduation, she moved to the greater Chicago area where she taught French at a regional university and grew her private violin studio. She was a participant on a reading committee and voted in the Prix Roblès, an award for first-time French novelists. Rescot enjoyed attending the award ceremony in Blois, France in 2013 where she met the winning author who had written a music novel set in Europe during World War II.

Today, Rescot loves to work with her students, perform with family and friends, and write about all things music and French. She especially enjoys spending time with her husband and two children. She is a member of her family group Uptown Violins, the Blackwater String Ensemble, the SSA music teachers’ society, the ACFW writers’ association, and is an active musician at her church. As a veteran performer and pedagogue, she strives to pass on her love of music and language to the next generation.

You can find out more about Rescot by visiting her social media sites: Website_Rescot Creative, FB_Ashley Rescot, or Instagram_Ashley Rescot.

Note: We are not able to send the online link and invites for the meeting to anyone not registered through TicketLeap.

Please answer several questions that appear when you register (only an admin can see the answers).

Questions? email A board member will contact you by Friday prior to the event with instructions for Saturday. Please be aware, the invitation and link are for our members and friends of our group. We request you not share the link with others.

Guests may attend for free for the first two visits. After that, per ACFW national guidelines, guests must become national and local members for continued participation. If you’re a national ACFW member and a member of a local ACFW that is not ACFW-DFW, you must also be an affiliate of ACFW-DFW ($5 per year). All affiliate and local ACFW-DFW attendees must also pay a $3 meeting fee per meeting. Contact for further info. Yearly local dues and monthly meeting fees can be paid at (For meeting fees, click on “more/monthly meeting”).

For further information about this and other ACFW DFW events, visit our other social media sites: ACFW DFW FacebookACFW DFW Twitter, and ACFW DFW Instagram.

Waiting on God and Jacob’s Ladder with Marie Sontag

Join ACFW DFW Saturday, January 8, 2022, as Marie Sontag discusses, “Waiting on God and Jacob’s Ladder.”

This motivational talk will examine ways we wait on God as we chase our God-given dreams through the seasons of our lives.

Sontag’s writing passion is “Bringing the Past to Life—One Adventure at a Time.” She writes middle grade and young adult historical fiction.

Having taught middle school for over thirteen years, she holds a BA in social science, an MA in instructional design, and a PhD in instructional design for online learning.

Her latest novel, Yosemite Trail Discovered, the second in her Whitcomb Series, will join six others when it comes out February 2022. Sontag makes author appearances at schools, helping history come alive with her talks and books. Additionally, she is the current Secretary and former Vice President of ACFW DFW.

You can find out more about her by visiting, or by clicking on one of her two links on the Members’ Links page.

Marie Sontag kicks off the year with an inspirational discussion entitled, "Waiting on God and Jacob's Ladder."

Registration for this event is required through TicketLeap. To register, click button below:

Note: We are not able to send the online link and invites to anyone not registered through TicketLeap.

Please answer several questions that appear when you register (only an admin can see the answers).

Questions? email A board member will contact you by Friday prior to the event with instructions for Saturday. Please be aware, the invitation and link are for our members and friends of our group. We request you not share the link with others.

Guests may attend for free for the first two visits. After that, per ACFW national guidelines, guests must become national and local members for continued participation. If you’re a national ACFW member and a member of a local ACFW that is not ACFW-DFW, you must also be an affiliate of ACFW-DFW ($5 per year). All affiliate and local ACFW-DFW attendees must also pay a $3 meeting fee per meeting. Contact for further info. Yearly local dues and monthly meeting fees can be paid at (For meeting fees, click on “more/monthly meeting”).

For further information about this and other ACFW DFW events, visit our other social media sites: ACFW DFW FacebookACFW DFW Twitter, and ACFW DFW Instagram.